
Happy International Women's Day!

I just wanted to take a moment to wish you all on this worldwide girl power day!  Im off to present some stand up for the charity Eaves!

Just remember ladies.. be bold, be brave, be true to yourself and never let anyone tell you can't do it!!



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A Fishy Dishy

Dinner time when you're on a diet or detox can be such a pain.. It's hard to know what to avoid.  It's even harder to come up with exciting and inventive ways to jazz up your normal mealtimes.

For me I know something I struggle with the most is adding more fish to my diet.  Eating salmon is the easiest way but I find it tiresome and boring.. I decided to go all out this week and make MONKFISH.. Yes I said it! I've never even eaten Monkfish anywhere out of a restaurant so this was a really daring adventure but OMG it's changed everything!

Take a fillet of monkfish and literally wrap parma ham around it pop it in the oven and you are done!  The saltiness of the ham mixed with the fresh meaty taste of the fish is simply divine!

You must try this and let me know how much you loved it! 

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BLT without the bread..

Using lettuce in the same way you use bread is a clever way of still eating your fav foods but guilt free!

This is yesterdays lunch.. The Avocado helps to just give the meal a little more as does the raw vegetables.  I try to eat as much raw veg as possible and if you cut peppers and munch on them plain you really get to taste how sweet they are.. 



Beef Stir fry without the noodles!

I know what you're thinking... How can you enjoy Asian food without rice or noodles..?! I felt the same way before I started this new way of life.. In all honesty I have never felt more balanced in my body and my mind.  As cheesy as that seems its the truth.  Sugar and carbs can have a huge effect on the body sending your blood sugar level through the roof and giving you further cravings, sugar crashes and that feeling of never being full!

In just 1 week of no sugar no carbs my body adjusted... Ill tell you more about this in details here on my blog but in the meantime check out this yummy alternative to a classic Chinese dish.

Ill post up the recipe for you later on for now I have to eat it before it gets cold! :) 



Lunch in a Rush!

I'm always trying to find ways to make healthy options for lunch a big more appealing. Sometimes when you're in a rush its really hard to prepare food. So why not try my quick fix take a can of Tuna (no drain) option is a lot less mess.  Add a teaspoon of mayo some salt and pepper and a dash of tabasco.  Then take Romain Lettuce hearts wash throughly and drizzle some olive oil on, add a squeeze of lemon, some salt and pepper and use to sandwich the tuna instead of bread. It's a great easy quick and healthy way to jazz up lunchtime in a rush.  I'll add my recipe for Spinach soup later on this week.. Happy Eating! 



Carb free dinner

As I continue my new no carbs no sugar lifestyle I constantly surprise myself with just how easy this can be.  Here's an example of steak, peas and mash?? Ha fooled you.. It's actually cauliflower mash! No potatoes here! Next week I'll post up short videos with exactly how you too can make this here meal! 




Can't tell you how cool this years NTC end of week event was.. I was DJING on an alter in an old church... This is a picture of me and the whole crew from the last session... 

It's all about training really hard but having the right kind of direction and motivation.



Bread Free Fry Up


Bread Free Fry Up

I know what you're thinking, 'how can it be possible to enjoy a well earned weekend fry up without the beloved bread. Well here's something insanely simple you can try out, the flavours work well and believe it or not I find myself feeling more full after this than after the grain laden original. Split and chop some asparagus and fry in a little oil on a high heat until Al dente, season with salt, pepper and optionally sprinkle on some crude shavings or Parmesan. Finally, Add crispy bacon (I like to oven cook it at 200c for 10 or so minutes because it's less messy and stops the whole house from stinking of bacon!) and some cubes of brie. Hooray a low GI fry up!





Hi Guys,

Welcome to the lifestyle page on my new website. As you may know I'm really passionate about healthy living and fitness. 

For the past 5 months I've been following a new health plan and have been really happy with the results. I've lost a stone in weight, kept my curves and have never felt better. I've been a yoyo dieter for as long as I can remember, trying every diet imaginable and have ranged in sizes from 16 to 8. I have now found something I can not only stick to but actually enjoy.

So for some inspiration, follow my daily food and fitness daily tips and suggestions here! 
